Why Ron Paul Scares the GOP

Excellent writeup in TIME Magazine (of all places!) last week regarding Ron Paul and what he stands for.   Too bad more Americans weren’t exposed to him during the campaign, and I personally don’t think the idea of returning to a sound currency is “wacky.”

Here’s a quote from the story: “But he is an extremist — partly in the Barry Goldwater extremism-in-defense-of-liberty-is-no-vice sense of the word, but also in the wacky let’s-relitigate-the-currency-debates-of-the-1820s sense of the word. The late William F. Buckley wanted conservatives to stand athwart history yelling stop; Paul seems to want to slam history into reverse. The guy genuinely wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and start circulating gold again.

For those of you not familiar with Ron Paul, I encourage you to read the story and check out his website.



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